Frequently asked questions:
There is a lot of interest in the use of cannabis as a medicine. You, or someone you know maybe considering using medicinal cannabis.
What would you like to know?
Contact Us for more information.
Is medicinal cannabis legal?
Medicinal cannabis is a legal treatment option in a number of countries, including Australia, Canada, the UK and some states in the US, which allow patients to have access to medicinal cannabis in special circumstances, usually in cases where other standard treatments have failed.
What areas of use has medicinal cannabis been shown to be effective in?
Medical research into the use of cannabis is currently limited, but more and more studies are now being performed on the use of medicinal cannabis to treat a variety of conditions.
Who can access medicinal cannabis?
The requirements and regulations governing who can access medicinal cannabis differ from country to country. Generally, medicinal cannabis can only be prescribed to patients by a registered Healthcare Professional after they have obtained government approval to do so. Speak to your Healthcare Professional about whether medicinal cannabis is appropriate for you.
How can I find a Healthcare Professional to prescribe medicinal cannabis for my condition?
You should consult your specialist or Healthcare Professional about medicinal cannabis – depending on the state or country you live in you may need a referral to a Specialist to obtain a prescription.
What should I ask my Healthcare Professional?
Questions you should consider asking your Healthcare Professional include:
- Is medicinal cannabis used to treat my condition?
- What benefits could medicinal cannabis treatment have for my condition?
- Are there any risks for me if I start taking medicinal cannabis for my condition?
What if my doctor says “no” to medicinal cannabis?
Talk with your Healthcare Professional about why you’re seeking treatment with medicinal cannabis to understand if it’s appropriate for you and your condition. Medicinal cannabis may not work for everyone and should only be considered after other standard treatment options have been explored.
If your Healthcare Professional isn’t familiar with the process for prescribing medicinal cannabis and would like to talk to someone, you can put them in touch with us. Contact Althea.
How do I access medicinal cannabis products once I have a prescription?
You will be able to fill out your prescription at a pharmacy which dispenses medicinal cannabis – your Healthcare Professional can give you advice on where to fill your prescription.
Will I get high while taking medicinal cannabis?
You should talk your Healthcare Professional if you are worried about any potential side effects.
Do I smoke medicinal cannabis?
Most medicinal cannabis therapies use cannabis oil, which is administered orally, although dried flower products are available. It is recommended to vaporise dried cannabis for inhalation rather than smoking.