Contact Us.
We’re here to help you on your journey with medicinal cannabis. Whether you have questions about our products, need assistance with your order, or want to learn more about how medicinal cannabis can benefit you, our team is ready to provide the support you need.
Patient Prescriptions
Althea products are available by prescription from leading Pharmacies. Please contact your healthcare professional for more information.
Pharmacy Orders
Australian pharmacies can order Althea medicinal cannabis products through one of our distribution partners below:
Register at: https://shop.symbion.com.au/
Email: symbion.sas@symbion.com.au
Phone: 1300 012 686
Register at: https://www.leafio.com.au/register
Phone: 0437 347 275 (VIC / NSW / SA / WA)
Phone: 0435 874 277 (QLD)
Register at: https://www.anspec.com.au/customer/user/registration
Phone: (+61) 2 8438 8660
The Entourage Effect:
Email: https://portal.theentourageeffect.com.au/register
Phone: 1300 223 842
Reporting unexpected side effects (Patients and Healthcare Professionals)
If you are taking or prescribing an Althea medicine and experience any unwanted side effects, you should report these to your doctor or Althea Medical Information as soon as possible.
Side Effects Contact Details
Email: medinfo.au@althea.life
Phone: (+61) 1300 70 20 20
Alternatively, Adverse Events can be reported directly to the Regulatory Authority:
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). https://www.tga.gov.au/reporting-problems
United Kingdom
Pharmacy Orders
Althea products can be ordered via Curaleaf Laboratories. To place an order please email orers@curaleaflaboratories.co.uk.
Reporting Possible Adverse Events (Patients and Healthcare Professionals)
If you are taking or prescribing an Althea medicine and experience any unwanted side effects, you should report these to your doctor or Althea Medical Information as soon as possible.
Adverse Events Reporting Contact Details
Email: medinfo.uk@althea.life
Phone: (+44) 0203 983 0888
Alternatively, Adverse Events can be reported directly to the Regulatory Authority:
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard