Medicinal Cannabis – The Basics.
A Brief History of Medicinal Cannabis.
The plant cannabis (also known by the names marijuana / marihuana, ‘weed’, ‘pot’, ‘hash’ and many others) has a long history as a food, resource and medicine in human culture, with records stretching back over 4,000 years – making it one of the oldest medicines on record.1,2 It’s thought to have originated in Central Asia and was used by nearly all known ancient cultures, including Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Indian and Chinese societies.3
Areas of Use.
Cannabis has been used in various forms in both ancient and modern times for many different conditions.2,4
Medical research into the use of cannabis is currently limited, but more and more studies are now being performed on the use of medicinal cannabis to treat a variety of conditions.
Accessing Medicinal Cannabis.
The rules and regulations for accessing medicinal cannabis differ from country to country.
If you have questions about medicinal cannabis use or would like to know how you can start a conversation with your doctor, please visit our FAQ page. For any medical advice, contact your doctor directly.
References: 1. Russo EB. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2007; 4: 1614-48. 2. Zuardi AW. Braz J Psychiatry 2006; 28: 153-7. 3. Grof CPL. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2018; 84: 2463-67. 4. Lafaye G, et al. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2017; 19: 309-16.